Dartmouth Destroyers
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Policies and Procedures

Name and Affiliation

The name of this organization shall be the ‘Dartmouth Minor Football Association’ and may hereinafter be referred to as the DMFA.

The DMFA shall be an active member of Football Nova Scotia (FNS) and the Nova Scotia Minor Football Association (NSMFA).

The DMFA shall govern and administer its affiliated clubs, in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations of the governing bodies.

The mailing address of the DMFA shall be determined by the Board of Directors at the beginning of each fiscal year.

Objectives of the DMFA

The specific objectives of the DMFA are:

· To promote, develop and govern the game of football in Halifax County, Cole Harbour and Dartmouth area

· To provide fun, recreation, youth development and healthful enjoyment through activities and competition, for all who desire to participate in football, giving due consideration to the variance of individual skills and capabilities

· To promote, develop, and govern all aspects of the DMFA to ensure that the aims, objectives and philosophy are adhered to

· To uphold rules of the game of football at all times

· To exist as a non-profit society only


The DMFA shall be composed of members, as defined in Section 5 of the by-laws, and its affairs shall be governed by a Board of Directors, as detailed in Section 35 of the by-laws. The Board of Directors shall decide all issues related to policy and finance and who may establish divisions or committees to operate various activities of the DMFA program.

The Board of Directors will be voted in by the members of the association, and shall consist of:

1. President 

2. Past President 

3. Vice President 

4. Treasurer 

5. Secretary

6. Team Manager Mites

7. Team Manager Atom

8. Team Manager PeeWee

9. Team Manager Bantam

Officers shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall consist of:

1. Head Coach Mite 

2. Head Coach Atom 

3. Head Coach PeeWee 

4. Head Coach Bantam

5. Equipment Manager

6. Merchandise Manager

The Board of Directors and Officers appointed by the Board comprise the Executive Committee.

Roles and Responsibilities of Officers


Specific role includes:

· Provide leadership to the DMFA and ensure coordination of its structure and operations

· Be the official spokesperson and public relations representative of the DMFA

· Chair all meetings and discussions of the Executive and membership of the DMFA

· Approve the delegation of specific duties and responsibilities of the Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer in addition to sub committees of DMFA

· Together with the Board of Directors to act as a signing authority of the DMFA

· Represent the DMFA on the Nova Scotia Minor Football Association (NSMFA) or ensure that a designated representative is in attendance

· Maintain strict confidentiality regarding police and child abuse checks and ensure completion and submission of NSMFA directives

· Ensure that DMFA retains a membership in good standing with the NSMFA and FNS by payment of all required fees and/or fines levied by either organization

· Assume such other responsibilities that the members may assign in any duly constituted meeting

· By-Laws – The President shall review and update approved changes to the DMFA By-Laws once per year

Past President

Specific role includes:

· Be a voting member of the DMFA and shall take part in all of its general meetings

· Provide assistance to the current President in all matters in which his/her experience and background knowledge is requested

· Make recommendations to the DMFA Executive Committee concerning fund raising activities of the DMFA

· Establish a means by which DMFA is able to utilize available government financial grants to the fullest extent

· Establish a publicity network by which information regarding DMFA activities, special events and statistics are given the maximum exposure to the residents of Dartmouth and Cole Harbour area

· Develop and maintain an organization aimed at the establishment of a growth plan for the DMFA

· Perform any other special tasks as may be considered essential by the Executive Committee

· Chair the executive nominating committee for the annual general meeting

Vice President

· Be a voting member of the DMFA and shall take part in all of its general meetings.

· Assist the President with duties of the President.

· Attend FNS meetings and Minor Football meetings in the absence of the President.

· Sit on the Coaches Governance Committee.


Specific role includes:

· Be a voting member of the DMFA Board of Directors and shall take part in all of its general meetings

· Prepare an annual operating budget for the DMFA

· Pay all outstanding accounts of the DMFA in a timely manner

· Keep an accurate record of all monies received and dispersed

· Submit a written report, consisting of a balance sheet, income statement and narrative report outlining activities during the year and any relevant finance highlights or concerns, at each regular and annual general meeting

· Ensure all Nova Scotia Football Officials Association (NSFOA) fees are paid no later than the last business day of November each calendar year


Specific role includes:

· Be a voting member of the DMFA and shall take part in all of its general meetings

· Schedule and coordinate all executive and general meetings

· Prepare, retain and distribute agendas and minutes of all meetings

· Prepare all registration documents

· Maintain a list of coaches, their qualifications and clinics taken

· Maintain a contact list of all members of DMFA

· Maintain a list of positions and incumbents with the executive along with listings of other club executive

· Maintain an accurate listing of all player information and ensure a copy is provided to FNS during each playing season

· Ensure all Vice Presidents have completed their player registrations in Point Streak for each playing season

· Ensure NSMFA receives a complete and accurate team registration form no later than July 31st of each calendar year

Team Managers (per division)

Specific role includes:

· Be a voting member of the DMFA and shall take part in all of its general meetings

· Ensure all players registering with DMFA are eligible to play for specified team

· Generally administer the off field activities of football within their respective team

· Be responsible for acquiring all the equipment, in partnership with Head Coach, that will be used by their respective team (s)

· All equipment purchases must be approved by DMFA executive via the annual budget

· Maintain a complete inventory list of all equipment used by their respective DMFA team(s) evidenced by the Equipment Sign Out Form

· Liaise with their respective area recreation associations and leagues on behalf of the DMFA

· When requested by the President, perform duties of the President in the absence of the latter

· Participate as a member of the Discipline and Appeals Committee when requested to do so by the President

· Ensure all respective team players are registered in Point Streak for all playing seasons

· Ensure all respective team coaches have completed and submitted required Criminal Record Checks and FBNS certifications prior to the regular playing season

Coaches Governance Committee (working title)

· The Coaches Governance Committee shall be comprised of the DMFA President, Vice President and one association member as appointed by the Board of Directors.

· It will be the responsibility of this committee to:

1. Ensure coaches meet the minimum certification requirements as set forth by FNS.

2. Source and ensure enrollment of coaches in appropriate training and certification programs as deemed pertinent and necessary by the committee.

3. Develop and implement a coach vetting process to assist in annual coach selection process to ensure coaching staff meet the needs of each division (in terms of number of coaches, training and experience appropriate to the division they are applying to coach, track record, past conduct, attendance to DMFA functions, etc).

4. Investigate and address complaints pertaining to coaching. Implement disciplinary action as deemed necessary

Roles and Responsibilities of Appointed Positions

Head Coach

All DMFA Coaches are required to complete and submit the following documentation to the DMFA Secretary by August 15th of each season:

· Coach’s registration form for FNS

· Criminal Record Check Form, processed by either the RCMP or Halifax Regional Police, the results of the criminal record check will be assessed by the DMFA Board of Directors

· Acceptance and adherence sign off on the Coach’s DMFA Code of Conduct document

Head Coaches are responsible to ensure the proper paperwork is submitted for their coaching staff. If these forms are not submitted, coaches will be asked to leave the field until such time that they are submitted.


Registers will be provided to you by your divisional Vice President/Secretary once the team selections have been completed. This will include parental consent/emergency contact numbers. Due to restrictions defined within the Canadian Privacy Legislation, all the above information must remain confidential at all times.


If you are unable to attend a game or practice for any reason, you are responsible to ensure adequate coaching supervision for your team to be able to proceed with the scheduled event.

Risk Assessment

Before the start of a game or practice can take place, Head Coaches must ensure the area they are going to be working in is a safe environment.

Specific risks to consider in this evaluation are (this is not an exclusive list):

· Lights – area must have sufficient lighting for the activity to take place especially as the season moves into the later months and daylight hours shorten

· Equipment – check that all equipment that is going to be used is the session is in a safe and workable condition. If there is a problem with any of the equipment, remove it from use and contact the Equipment Manager immediately.

· Telephone – coaches must make themselves aware of the nearest telephone in case of emergency

· First Aid – coaches must be in possession of a first aid kit at every session

· Fields – any use of HRM facilities without appropriate authorization, or when fields are closed, will result in fines and possible loss of future scheduling privileges

· Player Safety – coaches will acknowledge the variance in skill level and athletic ability of players and ensure players are not put into a position of risk

Equipment Manager

The Equipment Manager of the DMFA is responsible for the management of DMFA assets, e.g. equipment, player gear, storage facility, etc.

Responsible To

The Equipment Manager is directly responsible to the President of DMFA and the members and to ensure all player equipment meets standards set forth by Football Canada and FBNS.

Responsibilities and Duties:

· Be a voting member of the DMFA and shall take part in all of its general meetings

· Establish and maintain an accurate listing of all assets

· Coordinate and maintain DMFA assets

· Coordinate the use of DMFA equipment with members and third party groups

· Ensuring full compliance with the DMFA Equipment Sign Out Form

· Plan and follow a budget for the maintenance of equipment and purchase of new equipment as needed

· Conduct risk management evaluations of DMFA assets e.g. insurance, theft, hazards, damage and propose strategies/plans for dealing with identified risk(s)

· Liaise with other relevant Executive Committee members regarding equipment needs, make recommendations to the committee and organize the acquisition through defined procedures within the By-Laws

Knowledge and Skills Required:

· Proficiency with tools

· Demonstrated ability to delegate

· Able to identify issues of risk associated to assets

· Able to communicate with all relevant parties and partners

· Familiar with costs associated with football equipment

Merchandise Manager

The Merchandise Manager of the DMFA is responsible for the management of DMFA merchandise/branding clothing.

Responsible To

The Merchandise Manager is directly responsible to the President of DMFA and the members.

Responsibilities and Duties:

· Establish and maintain the DMFA merchandise

· Coordinate and maintain the DMFA merchandise

· Plan and follow a budget for the purchase of new merchandise

· Liaise with other relevant committee members regarding merchandise, make recommendations to the committee and organize their acquisition through committee procedures

· Regularly review the quality and pricing of DMFA merchandise

· Maintain accurate records of all merchandise sales

Knowledge and Skills Required:

· Demonstrated awareness of trends and demands with merchandise

· Ability to liaise with the DMFAs authorized clothing supplier and DMFA Executive Committee members

· Available to DMFA members who wish to order and purchase clothing


Equipment Inventory

An inventory of all equipment, gear, merchandise and supplies should be taken each spring, after all gear has been returned and prior to the beginning of the season.

Uniform Care

Members should be provided with a copy of the washing instructions at the time jerseys are issued.

The uniforms should be washed immediately after each use if at all possible, in cold water.

· The rinse cycle should be likewise set for cold water

· We recommend using a detergent similar to Tide for Coldwater

· Prior to washing, turning the garments inside out will help preserve the twill and/or Perma-print lettering

· Do not wash uniforms with other items such as towels


Heavily soiled garments (grass, dirt, clay, mud), pre- treatment is recommended

· Spray on products such as Spray ‘n Wash or Shout and leave on approximately 15 minutes to absorb before washing

· Products such as Stick Stain or Shout Gel can be rubbed on stubborn stains and left overnight for washing the next day

· For blood stains, it is best to rinse in cold water as soon as possible, and if necessary, soak in cold water before washing. One of the above pre-treatments can also be used, or an oxygen based laundry booster such as Oxy Clean can also be used for blood soiled garments

· An oxygen based laundry booster such as Oxy Clean can also be used to eliminate odor

· For ink stains, use hair spray. Simply spray on and rub until the ink is gone – then wash as normal

Helpful Tips

· Do not overload washer

· Remove uniforms immediately after washing and hang to dry

· Do not dry uniforms on high heat

· If you must use a dryer, use a damp dry or air setting – high heat can cause shrinkage, the perma-print ink to crack and twill to wrinkle

· Do not overload the dryer

· The uniforms will stick together, especially those with perma-print lettering

· Remove the garments immediately after the dryer has shut off

· Do not dry clean or iron garments

· To avoid static and lint build up, use an anti static agent such as Bounce dryer sheets

· Store in a cool , dry area protected from sunshine and fluorescent lighting

Gear Distribution

A detailed registry all gear issued to each player must be maintained by each divisional Vice President. It is the responsibility of the Vice President and Head Coach to make sure all gear is returned in a timely manner.

Helmets – Players need to remove mouth guards and chin strap covers when returned. Store helmets in an accessible location to make it easier for the reconditioning company/equipment manager to collect them. When the helmets are returned, store in a dry area.

Shoulder Pads – Visually check all shoulder pads for missing, damaged, or loose parts. Discard any shoulder pads that cannot be repaired. Use an approved anti-bacterial cleaning aid to remove dirt and germs. Using a sponge, clean all areas of the shoulder pads. Allow the shoulder pads to completely dry prior to storage. Investing in a shoulder pad rack reduces storage space needed. Make it easier to distribute /hand out shoulder pads the following season by stacking the shoulder pads by size.

Hip, Thigh and Knee Pads – Have the players remove all pads from their football pants/girdles. Inspect pads and discard any damaged ones. Sponge wipe these pads with an approved anti-bacterial cleaning aid to eliminate dirt and germs. After the pads have dried, use athletic tape to group the pads for easier distribution the following season. Wrap tape around two hip pads and a tail pad as an example